In 2016, Brunel celebrated as it has been 5 decades for them as a University, However, by their predecessors of Borough Road College, Maria Grey College, Shoreditch College and the West London Institute of Higher Education and as well as through Acton Technical College then Brunel College, their history can be traced back to 1798. Their growth has been phenomenal since 1966 and their reputation is soaring as each year passes by. Currently the University has 12,746 students out of which 3,309 students took part in postgraduate and research study. Their particular idea is to combine academic rigour with Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s realistic, innovative and creative approach.
Established: 1966
Location: Brunel University, London, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH.
Foundation Pathway:
Foundation in Economics and Mathematics, Engineering, Mathematics and Computing, Business and Managemnent (LBIC), Business Computing/ Computer Science (LBIC), Economics and Finance (LBIC), Engineering (LBIC), Humanities, Social Science and Education (LBIC), Law (LBIC), Life Science (LBIC), Design (LBIC), Accountancy (LBIC)
Term – 1: September – December
Term – 2: January – March
Term – 3: April – July